What is live backup?
Live backup means keeping all the digital files that make up your video, including separate visual and voice tracks, on a hard drive.
With live backup we can add a new ending, blend in a new section or make any number of changes to your video, at any time, without re-shooting the whole thing. It saves lots of time and money, and stretches the investment you have made in a video even further.
You will find that most video production houses use a Beta SP tape as a master for backups. This is like taking all the layers of video, voice-over, music, graphics and animations and super gluing them all together onto one tape.
Months or years after your video was completed, you may wish to edit it for length, add a new section, add voice over in another language or Repurpose your video in any number of ways, such as creating a condensed version for Blackberry . The problem is that it’s impossible to separate the original layers. If all you have to work with is Beta SP, your options are extremely limited.
eMotion keeps all the digital files used to make your finished video on a dedicated external computer hard drive. There is nothing else on the hard drive, which eliminates the possibility of anything accidental happening to your video files. This way, we have all the raw data that we had when we came up with the final version of your video. All we need to do to change it is to plug in the external hard drive and re-edit – just as we did right after the original shoot.
Contact us to find out more!